Saturday, February 27, 2010

El-Egance - A Stylish Hearing Aid

I really dug the Tunnel Jewelry Hearing Aids from my earlier blog. The idea of taking medicinal, cyborg components and utilizing fashionable platforms for implementation, is a major step forward in the practical application of modern cybernetics.

I found these from the same site I found the Tunnel Jewelry Hearing Aids from The two blogs read similar but remarkably, differ genre and gender in their design. Whilst the Tunnel design is unisex and the El-Egance is primarily a female design, the two still cover a variety of demographics. Young, alternate, fashionable and elegant. I think there is a genuine embrace towards this kind of technology from within our modern culture. I also believe that devices like these, would contribute a lot to helping break down the final layers of prejudice, that may or may not felt by the hearing impaired individual.'s original blog:
‘el’ is a hearing device concept that has been designed aiming to transform hearing aids into an elegant accessory. The concept comprises three main parts. First is the hearing device that can be worn in each ear to ensure clear sound for hearing impaired people by amplifying and adjusting sounds. Second is the two ring control unit, designed to be worn on each index finger that features a manual volume controller to adjust the volume of the hearing device . Inside the ring, a radio frequency receiver has been placed that remains hidden by the external piece. Finally, the display case, where the first two elements are placed that acts as a charging station for them. The entire design ensures stunning aesthetic appeal for users, while providing loud, clear and distinct sound for hearing impaired people.

Tuvie blog:

Original blog post:

Ryan Kirkpatrick


  1. Beautiful design, Thanks for the excellent blog. I have had my new unitron hearing aids for two days and so far I am very pleased.

  2. With this new stylish hearing aid, no one will get shy of wearing this equipment. Aside from hearing sounds again, your fashion sense will also be uplifted.
